Select your wavelength, build and order online your discrete spectrophotometer for solution analysis
The only IoT, Modular & Data-Driven Absorbance & Transmittance Meter on the Market
ABSOR.B™, part of our CASCAD.S™ series of optical instruments, represents the latest advancement in absorbance and transmittance measurements in liquid materials. It operates as a discrete spectrophotometer: by using interchangeable emission optical CARTRIDGE.S™ operating at different wavelengths, this device enables easy and precise measurement of absorbance and transmittance at various scales. The ABSOR.B™ is a fully customizable, scalable, and data-driven instrument.
Users can build and augment the ABSOR.B™ discrete spectrophotometer as needed, when needed. Wavelength-specific optical CARTRIDGE.S™ can be plugged and operated in the ABSOR.B™ at any time in order to fulfill existing applications or new projects.
The ABSOR.B™ package includes the following components:
- One (01) Core Unit of ABSOR.B™
- One (01) Interchangeable Emission Optical CARTRIDGE.S™
- One (01) Interchangeable Reception Optical CARTRIDGE.S™
- One (01) Connectivity & Monitoring Tablet
ABSOR.B™ - Core Unit
With the core unit of ABSOR.B™, users can:
- Use the sample holder that best suits their needs: 10 mL, 4 mL, or 1 mL vials, cuvette, or PCR-tube.
- Operate the ABSOR.B™ under a flow hood by leveraging the wireless communication capabilities of the operating tablet.
- Benefit from the outstanding data acquisition and processing capabilities of the Soft Matter Analytics App that operates the instrument.
- Add new core units to their existing system at any time, whether their testing needs evolve or new applications emerge.
- Simply pair new ABSOR.B™ units with their existing system and control up to five instruments from a single tablet with the Soft Matter Analytics App.
- Tailor their system to precisely meet their needs by operating each ABSOR.B™ unit independently and even with a different set of CARTRIDGE.S™ (wavelengths).
Interchangeable Emission Optical CARTRIDGE.
Users connect to the ABSOR.B™ the emission optical CARTRIDGE.S™ of their choice that operates at the exact wavelength that specifically aligns with their applications and industry requirements. Users save by investing in interchangeable wavelengths instead of new instruments.
Users can choose among of the following emission optical CARTRIDGE.S™:
- 850 nm ± 5 nm (bandwidth < 3 nm)
- 635 nm ± 5 nm (bandwidth < 3 nm)
- 520 nm ± 1 nm (bandwidth < 3 nm)
- 405 nm ± 10 nm (bandwidth < 3 nm)
With CARTRIDGE.S™, users can:
- Choose the appropriate optical emitting CARTRIDGE.S™ operating at the wavelength that suits the needs of their specific application: particle size, particle concentration, etc.
- Simply plug and use interchangeable emission optical CARTRIDGE.S™ with specific wavelengths.
- Order new optical CARTRIDGE.S™ (wavelengths) as their applications and projects evolve with time.
Interchangeable Reception Optical CARTRIDGE.S™
ABSOR.B™ uses one (01) reception optical CARTRIDGE.S™ positioned at 90° relative to the emission optical cartridge. The removable and interchangeable receiving optical CARTRIDGE.S™ of the ABSOR.B™ operates between 400 nm and 1,000 nm.
Connectivity & Monitoring Tablet
The ABSOR.B™ is operated by a Microsoft Windows touchscreen tablet that gives access to the Soft Matter Analytics App. Each tablet can simultaneously communicate and operate up to 5 different instruments.
With the Soft Matter Analytics App, users can:
- Set and manage tests: organize test files and folders, name an experiment, organize data, etc.
- Set test duration and time steps to measure the time evolution of absorbance or transmittance during a reaction kinetics.
- Visualize and compare in real-time experimental measurements.
- Create and transfer Excel reports.
- Display measurements and built-on calculations: steady properties of materials, transient properties of materials with changes as a function of time, temperature or light (when applicable), calculation of kinetics rate (first derivative of absorbance or transmittance as a function of time).
- Customize and manage password-protected user accounts.
- Customize and manage roles with different privileges (writing, reading, data transfer).
- Assign roles to users.
- Customize and manage instruments remotely connected to the Tablet App: pairing, configuration, displayed name and color.
- Export the extensive and secured database of the instrument.
- Update the App following simple procedures.